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When Should I Get My Roof Inspected?

Stephen Bis • June 8, 2021
Do you ever put all that much thought into the condition of your roof? Do you ever have it inspected? The answer is more than likely not. In truth, most people pay little to any attention to their roof's condition, that is, until there is a problem and the roof is leaking. So when is a good time to go about getting a roof inspection? 

Every 6-12 Months. 

While annual inspections are fine and better than nothing for sure, it is advisable to get an inspection every six months, helping to space the inspections out, putting them in different seasons. For Coral Springs, having one in the summer during the rainy season would be wise and then another after to assess any potential damage and fix it before it gets out of hand. 

After A Big Storm 

A significant thunderstorm, tropical storm, and hurricane blowing through are all valid reasons to have the roof inspected. Particularly when it comes to tropical storms and hurricanes where the wind velocity can easily rip shingles from the roof or cause tree limbs to fly into the roof, puncturing it. 

Before Hurricane Season 

Is your someone who doesn't have a roof maintenance plan and rarely checks the roof? It would be wise to get a roofer out to the house before the hurricane season getting into full swing. If there is any damage on the roof, it can compromise it in a hurricane, turning a dangerous situation even more so. Any damage discovered during the inspection should be fixed ASAP. 

Before Putting The House on The Market 

Obviously, when selling a home, the goal is to get as much money as possible in the sale. A major part of the home's structural integrity is the roof; a damaged roof can quickly reduce the home's asking price. A new roof is a great selling point, meaning the new homeowners will not have to be concerned with replacing the roof anytime soon, a significant benefit to them! 

In Conclusion 

The bottom line is this….. don't neglect your roof. Just because there isn't a visible problem to you doesn't mean the roof is fine. If it's been years since you've had someone come out and take a look, then perhaps it's time to change that; contact the Coral Springs Roofing Experts if you believe you have any roofing damage that needs to be addressed. 

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